
Information regarding the adoptions in Scandinavia

  • Save the Dogs works on the basis of written agreements with local partner in Sweden. The choice of the adoptive families and the control over the adoptions is the responsibility of the partner.
  • The animals are being treated against internal and external parasites and vaccinated against major diseases, including the anti-rabies vaccine as required by the EU legislation (at least 21 days before the departure).
  • All animals are being microchipped and have a Eeuropean passport. Every departure is being introduced in the electronic system Traces, which allows the authorities of the receiving country to check the condition of the animals entering the country and follow their trail.
  • Our animals are always being sprayed/neutered.
  • The dogs are subjected to screening of six of the main diseases transmitted by parasites through Snap test Idexx or laboratory tests PCR (cardiopulmonary filariasis, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and leishmaniasis).
  • The animals directed in Sweden travel exclusively by plane since they have proven to stand well the journey in the hold.
  • The cost for the transport of our animals is covered by the partner, who also offer our association part of the contribution donated by the adoptive families (a common practice in the countries of Northern Europe). This allows us both to render the adoption program economically sustainable and to prepare other animsla for adoption.
  • The choice of the animals inserted in the various adoption programs is an operation carried out by qualified staff of Save the Dogs Romania and/or directly by the volunteers of the partner visiting our facilities in Romania.

Our partner