

The pandemic hasn’t stopped our work in Romania

It is not hard to imagine why 2020 can’t be compared with the previous 18 years since Save the Dogs first started working in Romania.

We have had to face an unprecedented crisis, composed of hundreds of cancelled flights, with our clinical staff decimated by Covid symptoms and travel restrictions imposed by the Romanian health authorities. Yet in spite of everything, we have managed to keep going.

Our records show a drop in the number of sterilizations carried out, reduced by half compared to the previous year. For several months, the Romanian Health Authorities did not permit us to conduct our usual activities, and we were only allowed to feed stray animals and to operate our emergency clinic. The severe shortage of medical staff also came into play during the final months of last year.

Our vets on the front line took care of 239 emergencies involving dogs and cats, including those on the streets and those privately owned, while the total number of admissions during the course of the year was 317.

The number of adoptions decreased, but to a lesser degree (248 in total, compared to 290 in 2019), thanks to the road trips we organized in order to deliver 145 dogs to Swedish families.

The infographics show the project’s key figures, which will be discussed in greater detail in the 2020 Social Report.

To see the geographical destinations of the dogs and cats fostered through the international adoption programs, please visit this website page.


Total n° of sterilizations:

Of which:
303 Dogs
302 Cats
265 privately-owned animals  

Total adoptions:

Of which:
196 Dogs
52 Cats

Emergency cases in the clinic:

Of which:
146 Dogs
93 Cats

Admissions to clinic/shelter without owner:

Of which:
219 Dogs
98 Cats