
The story of Robb and Bran, the Rasova donkeys

We took two donkeys named Robb and Bran into our shelter after a lady from Rasova asked us to help her.
Bran is one of the two donkeys from Rasova

Bran is one of the two donkeys from Rasova

The winters are always harsh in Romania following the dry summer months, especially in the Dobrogea area. Hay is very scarce and the cost of buying it is increasing every year.

In December 2022, an elderly lady came to our shelter asking us to help her and take her two donkeys, as she was no longer able to take care of them. She lived with her husband in Rasova, a village near Cernavoda. Unfortunately, their house had burned down that month and they were struggling to rebuild it. They could not afford to buy hay and straw for their donkeys.

We took immediate action and sent our equine veterinarian to check the general health of the donkeys, take blood samples and carry out the necessary tests to ensure we were taking all the necessary measures to prevent any infectious diseases in our shelter.

Robb has black hair, and is the more sociable and courageous one of the two

Robb has black hair, and is the more sociable and courageous one of the two

We were able to take the donkeys in within just two weeks. They spent an initial period in quarantine, where we made sure to feed them the correct diet and make sure they were making a healthy recovery.

The donkeys are only young. They are about 6 or 7 years old, and they get along very well with each other. They love to play and rub their backs on the ground. Robb has black hair, and is the more sociable and courageous one of the two, happier to be approached by visitors, while Bran is still shy and always hides a little behind his back. But we feel confident that with time he will learn to trust us too.