
Vote for Animals: The Results of the European Elections for Animal Welfare

In Italy, Vote for Animals (Italian links) has emerged as the third-largest party. This is the result of the 2024 European elections.

In Italy, Vote for Animals has emerged as the third-largest party. This result at the European elections signifies that between 12 and 18 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who have pledged to the commitments proposed by our Coalition – which was formed with ten other major Italian animal protection organizations – will be going to Brussels.

The results of Vote for Animals at the 2024 European Elections

Ci sarà più forza per la voce degli altri animali in Europa

There will undoubtedly be a stronger voice for animal welfare in the decision-making arenas

While we await the overall data gathered from all 27 participating countries, coordinated by Eurogroup for Animals, and the single options that the elected candidates in the multiple constituencies will need to select (this concerns in particular the Democratic Party and the Green-Left Alliance) as well as the still unofficial geographical distribution of seats, we are neverthless very satisfied with this initial outcome.

There will undoubtedly be a stronger voice for animal welfare in the decision-making arenas, backed by a substantial group of dedicated men and women who will prioritize our issues in their parliamentary work.

Read also: The European Union has never established specific laws regarding for the welfare of dogs and cats. It’s time we changed this

Currently elected are Salvatore De Meo for Forza Italia; Pasquale Tridico, Mario Furore, Gaetano Pedullà, Carolina Morace, Dario Tamburrano or Gianluca Ferrara for the Five Star Movement; Cecilia Strada, Brando Benifei, Alessandro Zan, Annalisa Corrado, and hopefully Andrea Zanoni for the constituency option; and in the South, Georgia Tramacere may also be elected for the Democratic Party. Mimmo Lucano and Ignazio Marino for the Green-Left Alliance could potentially add three more members to the European Parliament, including Benedetta Scuderi, Cristina Guarda, Marilena Grassadonia, and Francesco Emilio Borrelli.

Vote for Animals was a work in tandem with other Italian and European NGOs

Vote for Animals in Italia è il terzo partito

In Italy, Vote for Animals has emerged as the third-largest party

Given the challenging context of increased abstention (which exceeded 50% for the first time ever in Italy), we are proud that Vote for Animals was considered to be a useful, concrete tool for many people. There were 125 signatory candidates in Italy, more than 1,000 in total across Europe, and we achieved over 1 million website views in just over a month! Numerous debates and discussions were held nationwide, countless contacts were made by each participating association with their individual members and supporters via direct and social communication channels, and over a hundred associations were involved across the 27 EU countries. This collaboration among the various associations has made a significant difference for some candidates in terms of promoting animal rights and taking increasingly clear positions – both positive and negative – on animal issues by Italian and European political parties. These issues are as crucial as any other and deserve to addressed with the same importance.

Over the coming weeks, we will see the composition of the parliamentary groups in Brussels and the European Commission, the EU’s executive branch. However, the Parliamentary Intergroup for Animals will most likely retain much of its outgoing coordination, thanks to the re-election of Tilly Metz representing the Luxembourg Green party, Dutch animal advocate Anja Hazekamp from the Left Group, Finnish MEP populist Sirpa Pietikäinen, Bulgarian populist MEP Emil Radev, Danish Socialist MEP Niels Fuglsang, Manuela Ripa from the German Ecologist Party, Lithuanian Liberal Petras Auštrevičius, Polish Conservative Jadwiga Wiśniewska, German Social Democrat Maria Noichl, and Slovak Liberals Martin Hojsík and Michal Wiezik.