“Friends On The Streets, Companions For Life”. A story of hope on the streets of Milan

“In 2020 our situation became extremely complicated, and Betty and I found ourselves living together in a Panda”
“My beloved Betty was six years old, but our story first began when she was only three months old. We were totally inseparable: she was my travelling companion, my partner sharing my adventures and above all my best friend for life.
In 2020 our situation became extremely complicated, and Betty and I found ourselves living together in a Panda.
But it was right at that moment that I got to know Save the Dogs and its wonderful volunteers. Thanks to the ‘Friends on the Streets, Companions for Life‘ project, we received the food I needed for Betty, and I was able to have her examined free of charge by a volunteer vet.
Sadly, there was nothing that could be done for Betty. Losing her was tremendously painful, but I did not let myself go. The affection that had always kept us together became an incentive for me to change course, rather than to give up”.
Read more: Friends on the Street, Companions for Life – The story of Mia and Crystal
Luis and Betty were given support over these last few months by our street unit in the city of Milan. Despite Betty’s tragic demise, Luis was able to stay close to her and take care of her right up to the end, thanks to the help we were able to give him. And after her death, he found the strength he needed to react to the situation.
Not only does Luis now have a new dog to share his life with, but he has also started working as a dog trainer and has become one of the volunteers of the Save the Dogs‘ street unit, which is his own special way of assisting other people living on the streets with their animals, and replicating the help and comfort that he and Betty had received in their turn.